Weight Control Program

BodyLink© Weight control Program
BodyLink is a series of six audio programs, approximately 21 minutes each in length, that teach you about the psychological causes of weight gain and how to put psychology on your side in weight loss. By healing your mind, you will heal your body.

Each audio program is designed to address a specific set of issues, from the causes of binge eating to developing motivation for losing weight and the behavioral changes needed to keep weight off. A brief description of each unit of the program is given below.

Unit 1 - Relaxation Training
In this unit you acquire the ability to relax and learn to control the stress and anxiety that may lead to uncontrolled eating. It also helps you to acquire skills that you will be using in rest of the program.

Unit 2 - Body Imagery: The Power of Thinking Thin
This unit helps you to develop a healthy body image and realistic expectations of achieving it.

Unit 3 - Modifying eating Behaviors: Training for a New Look
Continuing from Unit 2 the focus in this unit shifts to developing healthy eating habits and gaining control over your eating behaviors.

Unit 4 - Living Thin: Losing for Keeps
Here we reinforce the thought patterns and perceptions that we have developed so far so they remain with us for the long haul.

Unit 5 - Yes I Can: Mind Over Calories
This program helps reinforce the positive feelings that come from what you have achieved so far, and being in control of the weight-management process.

Unit 6 - Feeling Fine: Making it Happen
Continuing from Unit 2 the focus in this unit shifts to developing healthy eating habits and gaining control over your eating behaviors.

FAQ's about weight management

Top 3 causes of obesity