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Clientele's Patented Age-Defying Beauty Secret

In ancient Egypt, Pharaohs and Queens knew the potent powers of the mystical Sacred Lotus. Buddhist Monks in India and China cherished the Lotus. They cultivated Lotus blossoms in the rivers and believed it held the secret of life. They taught their disciples that the universe was formed from the heart of the Sacred Lotus Seed. They knew there was something about the Lotus that was unlike any other flower.

UCLA Scientists make a startling ANTI-AGING discovery!

UCLA Scientists obtained Lotus Seeds 1,000 years old. When they planted the ancient seeds, to their surprise, the seeds sprouted into healthy, young Lotus plants. The seeds had resisted the aging process for over 1,000 years!

Youthifying breakthrough...

Scientists discovered antioxidants and a protein repair enzyme within the Sacred Lotus Seed. When Clientele Dermatologists tested an extract of the Sacred Lotus Seed in their new skincare formulas, they were amazed at what they found... It made the skin look dramatically younger and more beautiful.

Over 91% find their skin looks much younger!

Clientele owns the patent on this ingredient... the extract of the Sacred Lotus Seed... you won’t find our patented ingredient in any other skincare brands. In a clinical study, over 91% of those using the Lotus formulas found their skin looked much younger! Clientele formulas combine the Ancient Wisdom of the Lotus with Futuristic Skin Therapy to bring you more youthful skin! View the Lotus Video.