Clientele Profile

June & Sabrina Nance
Wylie, Texas

Americans are again showing the love and unity that built this great nation. And proving that,
No greater love is there then to lay down your life for your fellow Americans

America's greatest natural resource is its diverse heritage. We have come from all corners of the earth, welcomed by Lady Liberty. Her torch of hope shines ever so brightly.

In America you are free to follow your dreams, to believe and to succeed. Let us be forever grateful for our American heritage and for those principles that have guided our country to greatness.

Charlton and Lydia Heston symbolize the best of America. Proud. Patriotic. Rich in family values. Freedom loving, yet willing to serve.

When stars give of themselves to help organizations that impove the lives of others, they deserve our thanks. On these pages you will find some of Hollywood's finest, who care enough to make a difference to help those in need at this special time in our history. United We Stand.

God Bless America,
Patricia Riley

President & Founder


My daughter Sabrina and I spend many hours in the hot Texas sun, breeding and raising miniature horses. Our 40 miniature horses under 40 inches tall are all so special. They love to prance, pull a cart or just show off, especially when they have an audience. We have a lot of visitors, so we try to look our best. We could not do this without Clientele. The Elastology Age Blocker SPF 25 protects our skin from the sun and weather. Sabrina's skin looks so good, she seldom wears makeup. As for me, I have found the Elastology Firming Night Cream restores a youthful look to my skin. It's wonderful to find something that works so well.


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