Behind every great man is an equally great woman, and that woman for Charlton Heston, America’s legendary star, has always been Lydia. Lovely, intelligent, talented, elegant and poised, she has been his true partner in a rich, full life.
As a devoted wife and mother to their two children, Fraser and Holly, Lydia
has also been supportive of Charlton’s career as he achieved world acclaim.

Charlton Heston has been a ‘role model’ for men. He has made history come alive with his starring roles and brilliant portrayals of Moses, Ben Hur, Michelangelo, Andrew Jackson . . . the list goes on and on. Lydia is just as much of a ‘role model for women!’ Talented and diversified, recognized as an actress, a published, professional photographer, and an independent thinker. She has captured moments in time with photos that endure, using her natural gift to entertain and uplift. Her appreciation of the arts and especially for her husband’s work, has enabled her marriage to withstand the test of time, even in Hollywood’s Tinseltown.

The Hestons enjoy a magical relationship off-screen as well as on. Though it is rare today, especially in Hollywood, they’ve been together now for 57 years, since first meeting in a freshman acting class at Northwestern University. While the public has followed Heston’s stellar career, also hearing his arguments for political or individual causes, Charlton and Lydia have quietly raised their family, always striving to instill in them the same beliefs they hold so dear.

In To Be A Man - Letters to My Grandson (Simon & Schuster), Charlton shares
some of these beliefs with his five-year old grandson Jack, Fraser’s son:
“...the importance of family, being brave and determined in whatever one does, understanding and appreciating one’s heritage while remaining open to the huge, diverse world we live in, love of freedom and support of one’s country, the essentials of being not just a man, but a good man with honesty, integrity, loyalty, appreciation of friendship & good sportsmanship." He wrote this, not
just for his grandson but for all men, everywhere. Lydia’s expressive photos capture the essence of his words.

Throughout his richly varied life as a patriotic American, Charlton Heston has never shied away from public service. Having grown up hunting and fishing in Michigan’s northern woods, he found a respect for personal responsibility and individual freedom that has guided his life in the American outdoors tradition. He has lent his time, talent and energy to serve as the official U.S. delegate to numerous film festivals, was President of the Screen Actors Guild, and has undertaken numerous assignments to cultural embassies throughout the world. Wherever he travels ... Lydia always accompanies him, with a smile on her face and a camera in hand!

Just before Charlton went overseas in the Army Air Corps in World War II, Lydia and Charlton were married. While Lydia continued at Northwestern University, Charlton served three years with the 11th Air Force in the Aleutians. After his discharge, the Hestons moved to New York’s theater district. Between the rounds of Broadway casting offices, the Hestons supported themselves by modeling. Lydia was a recipient of the “most promising actress ” award . She appeared in several movies and moved with Charlton to California. When she took time off to be a mother, she also discovered her talent for photography.

It all began when Charlton’s publicist urged Lydia to take photos of her husband as the circus manager in The Greatest Show on Earth. Since then her work has been published in The Light of the World and her husband’s Beijing Diary. Most of her photography, depicting people in their own environments, has been shot while accompanying Charlton on his many worldwide travels to 56 countries. Lydia’s photographs were recently shown in The Louvre in Paris and in England’s Julia Margaret Cameron Museum. Her photographs are memorable works of art. After doing her own processing and printing for some forty years, she now feels that her computer, where she works digitally, is an extension of her work on stage and in films.

Recently, the Hestons have been on a national tour acting together in their favorite play, Love Letters, a romantic comedy. Lydia was delighted when her husband asked her to play the role and soon discovered that she still felt at home on the stage, despite her 25-year hiatus from acting. In a recent interview, Charlton described his experiences filming The Planet of the Apes. Its theme concerned the condition of men, specifically the conflict between those in power and those struggling for survival. The movie, nominated for three Academy Awards in Best Costume, Score and Makeup, proved so successful, that another sequel was recently released. In this, Charlton plays Zaius, who on his deathbed, warns his son about humans.

The Hestons live an active but informal life in the Santa Monica Mountains above Beverly Hills in, as Charlton puts it, “a state-of-the-art digital photographic studio with a modest house attached.” Son Fraser is a screen director, and daughter Holly Ann Rochell is a special events planner in New York. The Hestons enjoy their three grandchildren: Jack Alexander Clarke Heston, Ridley Charlton Rochell and Carlton Charles Rochell III.

As Lydia Heston explains, “Each of us plunges into his or her own demanding project, but somehow we draw sustenance from the totality of our work.”

What an honor it was for me to have the legendary Charlton and Lydia Heston attend when I received the JFK University ‘Woman of Achievement Award’. I have always admired them as the ideal couple. Like so many Americans, I thank them both for bringing history to life with their brilliant acting and marvelous photography. We salute them and thank them for the wonderful contributions they have made to America.“

— Pat Riley, Clientele Founder /President

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