Cranberry Therapy Without Added Sugar!
The problem with drinking cranberry juice is that it is heavily sweetened with sugar - You can end up with many unwanted calories from the sugars used to sweeten this naturally tart juice. But now there’s a low-cal answer to getting the protection you need.

You Could Be at Risk.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) are one of the most common bacterial infections in humans. Women are 50 times more likely to suffer from these infections because of their anatomical and hormone differences. Men who have enlarged prostates are more prone to these infections as well. When you have a UTI you often feel the urgent need to urinate and it can be quite painful when you do. Gender, bacteria from the colon, low water intake, stress, and birth control methods may contribute to this painful infection.

Treat Infection the Natural Way.
How are UTIs treated? Antibiotics are the usual treatment for UTI given by a doctor. But antibiotics can have unpleasant side effects. They can also upset the normal bacterial flora present in your intestines. Upsetting the balance of the intestinal flora can lead to yeast overgrowth, yeast infections, and diarrhea. Try to minimize frequent infections by increasing water intake and by improving nutrition. To support your immune system, stick to a nutritious diet that includes cranberry products.

Not an Old Wives Tale.
Cranberries are a highly nutritious source of bioflavonoid antioxidants plus Vitamins A, C, B-complex, and several minerals including Potassium. Grandmothers have been telling us for years to drink cranberry juice to get rid of bladder infections. Now scientific studies show that Grandma was right. Cranberries help control bacterial growth in the urine and prevent the bacteria from attaching itself to the lining of the urinary tract.(1)

Cranberries benefit men, too
Men can also suffer from UTI's especially after the natural decline of the immune system which occurs with aging.

Recent research has found that cranberries may relieve lower urinary tract symptoms in older men, thereby improving prostate health. A recent study included 42 men with an average age of 63 years. The participants were divided into two groups - one group received 1500 mg (about 3 capsules) of dried powdered cranberries every day for six months and the second group was given placebo pills for the duration of the study. The results revealed that men in the cranberry group experienced statistically significant improvements in all of the targeted markers, while no significant improvements were noted in the control group. Since the current medications can cause adverse effects, cranberries may be a beneficial new therapy. Now women are no longer the only ones to benefit from cranberries. This study showed men can benefit from the mighty red berries too. Cranberries are now proven to be an inexpensive, natural and effective way to treat urinary tract symptoms and support prostate health (2).

MDR has formulated a concentrated blend of cranberries without the added sugar found in store-bought cranberry juice. So you get many of the benefits that nature intended but without the calories.

Convenient, Easy to Take.
Take MDR Cranberry capsules every day to support urinary tract health and to get protective nutrients you need for good health. Suggested dosage: One Capsule a Day. For those who have frequent urinary tract infections to keep the urine acidic, take 1 capsule 3 times a day (every 8 hours). Dosage may be increased to 2 capsules every 8 hours for a maximum of 6 capsules per day.

Note: Cranberries can thin the blood so persons on anti-coagulant therapy such as Coumadin™ or Plavix™ should limit cranberry intake to no more than 3 capsules per day and always consult your physician before taking any nutritional supplements.

1. Can J Urol. 2009 Dec;16(6):4901-7.
2. British Journal of Nutrition (2010), 104: 1181-1189

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