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A Plan You Can Be Proud to Share!

At last, a compensation plan in network marketing that’s easy to communicate, pays generously at all levels, and is achievable for anyone! It combines the best of short-term financial rewards as people are getting started … and long-term business-building potential as your organization grows.


Here are some of the features to get excited about!


      Leadership Executive Acceleration Plan (L.E.A.P.) Fast Start Bonus that pays out $225 in weekly bonuses (per Enrolled L.E.A.P. Executive).


     Starting with the rank of Executive you can attain profitability with as few as eight (8) distributors in your downline. At National Executive, its as few as six (6).


        4th level is not only guaranteed but also an infinity bonus. The percentage paid on the 4th level continues to pay below the 4th until interrupted by a “Like” position.


        4th level pays from 3% at Executive to 15% at Global Executive. Whatever an Executive, National Executive or International Executive is not entitled to, passes through to the next qualified rank. The Pass Through continues until interrupted by a “Like” position or above.


       International Bonus is paid to qualified Internationals and starts when the 4th level infinity has been interrupted. Two percent (2%) is paid through two (2) generations of qualified Internationals. If two (2) generations are not encountered, this bonus pays to infinity.


       Global Bonus is paid to qualified Globals and starts when the 4th level infinity has been interrupted. Two percent is paid through three (3) generations of qualified Globals. If three (3) generations are not encountered, this bonus pays to infinity. In addition, at the rank of Global Executive, a Pool equivalent to two percent (2%) of the commissionable volume of the company is split by qualified Global Executives based on shares in the pool.



Effective Dec 1, 2002



The Nu-MED Compensation Plan is one of the most progressive and lucrative in the network marketing industry today!


Combining the best of short-term financial rewards and long-term business-building potential, the plan is designed to maximize your opportunities for success from the moment you become a distributor. Whether full time or part time, it’s easy for new distributors to get started.




         Retail Profit

        Quick profitability with just a few distributors

        Up to 62% Pay-Out In Residual Commissions

        L.E.A.P. Executive’s Fast Start Bonus Paid Weekly

        Three Types of Infinity Bonuses 

        Global  Bonus Pool Up to 2% of Company’s Commissionable Volume



To Become A Nu-MED Associate


For a non-refundable fee of $35, you may become a Nu-MED Associate.  This entitles an individual to purchase product at wholesale and sell at retail. With a minimum purchase totaling 50 BV (Business Volume) per month, an Associate is entitled to 2 levels of the compensation plan, 5% on the first and 10% on the second.



To Become a L.E.A.P. Executive


An individual who purchases a L.E.A.P.  Executive Kit, which includes product and benefits, enters the opportunity at the level of Executive. As long as this individual maintains an AutoShip or Backup AutoShip of 100BV, he/she is entitled to all the benefits of an Executive.



Associate Earning Potential


Since your success with Nu-MED is the direct result of your time and effort in developing your independent business, Nu-MED can not guarantee that you will be able to reach any particular rank or that you will receive certain overrides.  As with any network marketing business, distributors devoting the greatest amount of time and effort to their business are typically those who reach the highest levels in the Nu-MED Compensation Plan. 


While a number of distributors do promote to higher levels in the compensation plan, only a limited percentage will progress to successively higher ranks.  Ultimately, Global Executive is a distinction awarded for truly superior achievement. 


An individual acknowledges that he/she has conducted an independent investigation of the multilevel marketing method of distribution. He/she also recognizes that the business venture outlined in both the Independent Associate or L.E.A.P. Executive’s Agreement and The Privileges and Responsibilities document will be dependent upon the ability of the individual as an independent business person.  Nu-MED expressly disclaims the making of, and the individual acknowledges that he/she has not received any warranty or guarantee of, express or implied, potential volume, profits or success of the business venture contemplated. 


Compensation Plan Qualifications




An Associate must personally purchase 50BV in a calendar month. This qualifies the Associate to receive 5% commission on the 1st level and 10% on the 2nd level.




A Supervisor must personally purchase 100BV in a calendar month. He/she must be signed up on AutoShip or Backup AutoShip for 100BV, have enrolled 2 frontline distributors each with a minimum monthly purchase of 100BV and have 1000GBV (uncompressed) in their 1st 3 levels. The Supervisor is now qualified to receive 5% the 1st  level, 10% on the 2nd level and 6% on the 3rd level.




An Executive must personally purchase 100BV in a calendar month. He/she must be signed up on AutoShip or Backup AutoShip for 100BV, have enrolled 3 frontline distributors (1 must be a qualified Supervisor or above) each with a minimum monthly purchase of 100BV. In addition, an Executive must accumulate 5000GBV/mo in their 1st 4 levels (uncompressed). The Executive is now qualified to receive 5% commission on the 1st level, 20% on the 2nd level, 7% on the 3rd level  and 3% on the 4th  level.


National Executive


A National Executive must personally purchase 100BV in a Calendar month. He/she must be signed up on AutoShip or Backup AutoShip for 100BV, have enrolled 4 frontline distributors (1 must be a qualified Executive or above) each with a minimum monthly purchase of 100BV. In addition, a National Executive must accumulate 10,000GBV/mo in their 1st 4 levels. The National Executive is now qualified to receive 5% commission on the 1st level, 20% on the 2nd level, 8% on the 3rd level and 6% on the 4th level.


International Executive


An International Executive must personally purchase 100BV in a Calendar month. He/she must be signed up on AutoShip or Backup AutoShip for 100BV, have enrolled 5 frontline distributors (2 must be a qualified National Executives or above) each with a minimum monthly purchase of 100BV. In addition, an International Executive must accumulate 25,000GBV/mo in their 1st 4 levels. The International Executive is now qualified to receive 5% commission on the 1st level, 20% on the 2nd level, 9% on the 3rd level and 9% on the 4th level.



Global Executive


An Global Executive must personally purchase 100BV in a Calendar month. He/she must be signed up on AutoShip or Backup AutoShip for 100BV, have enrolled 6 frontline distributors (3 must be a qualified International Executives or above) each with a minimum monthly purchase of 100BV. In addition, an Global Executive must accumulate 75,000GBV/mo in their 1st 4 levels. The Global Executive is now qualified to receive 5% commission on the 1st level, 20% on the 2nd level, 10% on the 3rd level and 15% on the 4th level.



Compensation Plan Bonuses


4th Level Infinity Bonus


Qualified Executives and above are guaranteed payment on the 4th level. If there is no “Like” position below the 4th level, the plan pays to infinity or until interrupted by another Executive or above.



Infinity Pass Through


Qualified National Executives and above are guaranteed payment on their 4th level. If there is no “Like” position below the 4th level, the plan pays to infinity or until interrupted by another Executive. Once interrupted, the difference between what the Executive and the National Executive are entitled to (3%) passes through to the higher rank. Likewise, this bonus occurs Executive through Global Executive with the difference passing through to the higher ranks.


International Bonus


At the level of International Executive, the plan pays 2% through 2 generations of qualified International Executives once the 4th level infinity is blocked. If 2 generations are not encountered, this bonus pays to infinity.


Global Bonus


At the level of Global Executive, the plan pays 2% through 3 generations of Global Executives once the 4th level infinity is blocked. If 3 generations are not encountered, this bonus pays to infinity.


Global Pool (2%)


2% of the commissionable volume of the company will be split among the Global Executives based on shares accumulated during the qualifying period.



Standard Distributor Requirements


  While distributors are always recognized at the highest rank achieved in the compensation plan, they are paid based on their monthly performance.

   To qualify for monthly overrides, Associates must be personally active with $50 or more in personal wholesale volume.

    Should you or any distributor fail to place a qualifying order in personal wholesale volume during any given month, the negligent distributor will be ineligible to receive commissions for that month.  In this case, the computer will search down through as many levels as is necessary to find the next active distributor(s). The computer will then compress this volume up to the vacant spot for that month's calculation of commissions. Compression only affects that month’s volume.

   Permanent roll up takes place when an inactive distributor’s organization rolls up to the inactive distributor’s sponsor. For example, if a distributor does not renew his/her distributorship within 30 days of the end of the 12-month term, the distributor will be deleted from the marketing organization. At that time, what had been that distributor’s personally sponsored distributors will roll-up and be positioned as personally sponsored distributors for his or her sponsor (or next active). The new sponsor will inherit the entire organization from the terminated distributor. 






Active Associate: An Associate who has a minimum of 50BV in personal wholesale volume within a single commission month.

Active Supervisor, Executive and above: One who has a minimum of 100BV in personal wholesale volume and meets both the Group Volume as well as structural requirements.

AutoShip Program: A service that allows distributors and customers to receive regular, automatic product shipments each month.  Distributors receive profits based on the retail volume of their customers’ automatic shipments each month.

Backup AutoShip: If a distributor at any rank does not meet his/her minimum monthly personal requirement, a Backup AutoShip is sent. If the requirement is met, no shipment is sent.

Bonus Pool: Based on the company net wholesale volume, a monetary award for Associates that is divided on a weighted basis according to their individual group sales volume.

Business Month: Based on a calendar month, a business month refers to the actual month an order is processed. The company reserves the right to determine the business month to which volume is credited based on the date the actual order is received.  Please Note: When the last day of a business month falls during a weekend or holiday when the office is closed, the last day of the business month will be considered to be the last preceding regular business day at the Nu-MED Corporate Office. 

Business Volume: The dollar amount assigned to Nu-MED products for the purpose of calculating commissions.

Compression: Compression allows you to earn maximum commissions on maximum volume. Should you or any distributor in your organization fail to place a qualifying order in personal wholesale volume during any given month, the negligent distributor will be ineligible to receive commissions for that month.  In this case, the computer will search down through as many levels as is necessary to find the next active distributor(s). The computer will then compress this volume up to the vacant spot for that month's calculation of commissions. Compression only affects that month’s volume.

Downline: The line of sponsorship between a particular distributor and all sponsorship levels below on which the distributor is paid.

Enroller: A Nu-MED distributor who introduces and recruits an individual to the opportunity.

L.E.A.P. Executive’s Fast Start Bonus: This bonus is only paid to qualified L.E.A.P. Executives when enrolling another L.E.A.P. Executive. This bonus is weekly and is paid through two (2) levels of L.E.A.P. Executive’s including the enrolling L.E.A.P. Executive Founder.

Group Business Volume (also known as Group Sales Volume): All commissionable volume generated in the first four (4) levels by your downline for personal consumption and retail sales. This does not include sales aids.

Infinity Bonus Program: A program allowing distributors qualifying at the Executive and above ranks to earn to earn additional commissions based on rank. This bonus pays down to, but not including the next Infinity Bonus participant at the same or higher Infinity Bonus level.

Override: The payment distributors may receive based on their organizational volume (does not include personal volume).

Personal Business Volume (also known as Personal Wholesale Volume): The total monthly wholesale volume an Associate purchases from the company for personal consumption or retail sale.  Sales aids are not included as part of the volume.

Rank: A title determined by the level a distributor qualifies for in the Nu-MED Compensation Plan.  Please Note: While rank (title) remains consistent for recognition purposes, distributors are paid based on their actual monthly performance in the compensation plan.

Retail Profit: The difference between the wholesale cost a distributor pays for products and the retail amount at which the distributor chooses to sell the products.

Roll Up: Permanent roll up takes place when an inactive distributor’s organization rolls up to the inactive distributor’s sponsor. For example, if a distributor does not renew his/her distributorship within 30 days of the end of the 12-month term, the distributor will be deleted from the marketing organization. At that time, what had been that distributor’s personally sponsored group will roll-up and be positioned as personally sponsored for his or her upline (next active/qualified distributor). The new sponsor will inherit the entire organization from the terminated distributor. 

Sponsor: A frontline distributor who personally sponsors another individual with Nu-MED through the regular Independent Associate Application & Agreement process.

Enrolled Month: The month that Nu-MED processes an Independent Distributor Application.

Upline: All the levels of sponsorship above a particular distributor.

Wholesale: The dollar amount that distributors pay for Nu-MED products when they are purchased directly from the company.





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Nu-MED, Nu-SPRING, Nu-MAN, and Nu-TRIM are all Trademarks of Nu-MED USA, Inc.  Copyright 1997 - 2003 Nu-MED USA, Inc.