I have been taking Nu-SPRING
Gold for many months and love your product very
much. I was excited to find something that had so
many good side effects including weight management,
better sleep, etc. There is something that
you should know however, that
Gold has done for me
that is not listed anywhere in your material. I am
41 yrs. of age, and since my early teens, I have
mildly suffered from
Essential Tremors which is
a very common but complex neurologic movement
disorder. It's called "essential" because
in the past, it had no known cause. |
not caused by another neurological condition or the
side effect of a
medication. ET usually affects the hands, but it
may also affect the head and neck (causing shaking),
jaw, tongue, voice (causing a shaking or quivering
sound), the trunk and, rarely, the legs and feet.
The tremor may be a rhythmic "back-and-forth" or
"to-and-fro" movement produced by involuntary
(unintentional) contractions of the muscle. Severity of
the tremors can vary greatly from hour to hour and day
to day. Some people experience tremor only in certain
positions – this is called postural tremor. Tremor
that worsens while writing or eating is called kinetic
action-specific tremor. Most people with ET have
both postural and kinetic tremor.
Fortunately for me, I have symptoms only in the
hands/arms (Postural) and only when I'm excited or
have been physically active. Well, since taking Nu-SPRING
Gold, my
tremors have basically disappeared !!! It was not
overnight, but after a few months, they have become
almost nonexistent !!! I never thought this
would happen nor did I even consider it remotely
to be a
possiblilty, but in fact it has happened and I couldn't
be happier !! I
just wanted you to know this "extra" benefit to your product. It
has done all you claim it can, and now with this,
it is just perfect
Rhonda Fleming, # 16168
My name is Debby Statler from Pennsylvania. I would like to tell you about my experience with Nu-SPRING GOLD and why I am a firm believer in this wonderful product.
I have a condition called Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum.
PXE for short. It is a membrane transport disorder
and affects mid-dermis, arteries and membranes behind
the eye. I lost central vision in my left eye three
years ago despite the frantic efforts of my doctors
to save my eyesight. I have angioid streak in the
retinas of my eyes which blood vessels break through
and cause a bleed. Laser surgery is performed to
stop the bleeding from entering my macula, but because
of the uncontrollable nature of this disorder, it
runs its own course and laser treatments only stop
the bleeds for the short periods of time. And sometimes
they don’t help.
At this point my right eye is being affected. I have
very little central vision left in this eye, which
my doctor is desperately trying to save. For those
of you who are not familiar with eye disorders, when
you lose central vision you cannot read or drive,
so it’s devastating. I have one of the best retina specialists at Will’s
Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, but out of mere frustration,
because everything he had to offer me including laser
surgery and steroid injections into the eye, was
not working anymore, he wanted me to get a second
opinion to proceed with both treatments at once,
which he had never done before.
I was sent to a retina specialist in New York City. His advice was to do nothing at this time but to return to the doctor in Philadelphia in four weeks for another check-up. The only thing I did differently was to take
Nu-SPRING GOLD for about four weeks prior to the New York visit. Approximately three weeks after that visit I started to notice a difference in my eyesight in my right eye. Working on the computer was clearer and I had more confidence to drive again.
My doctor in Philadelphia examined me and took another
set of pictures of my retina to compare to the last visit’s
pictures. After comparing the two, he asked me if I was
seeing better, and I told him I was. He asked me what
I was doing and I told him. He asked me to give him all
the information about this product because it was quite
an improvement without any intervention on his part.
He explained that the protein was repairing itself which helped to dry up the fluid in my eye to help to make things clearer to me. I was amazed when he said that, because that is exactly what
Nu-SPRING GOLD does. Hopefully this will help many more people out there with other forms of macular degeneration. I sure am excited! Thank you for allowing me to share my story.

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