
Human growth hormone, hgh, is being studied as an anti-aging treatment. Doctors are prescribing human growth hormone, hgh, for weight
loss, energy, and longevity. 20/20 recently reported that Dixie Carter uses human growth hormone injections, hgh, to look and feel younger. Human growth hormone, hgh, is produced by the pituitary but is released less as we
age. Nu-SPRING Human Growth ProFactors is a natural way to release more human growth hormone, hgh, without side effects. |
News Updates
New L.E.A.P. Program - 20% starting at Executive
Effective December 1st, 2002
the second level commission has been increased from 15% to 20%.
Effective November 22, 2002
New L.eadership E.xexcutive
A.cceleration P.rogram (L.E.A.P.)
the new L.E.A.P. Fast Start replaces the Founder’s Program.
Audio’s and Video’s Now
We now have
ample supplies of the ”Why Nu-MED” Audio and the Nu-MED
“Preview Video”. These
tools have been developed to aid in building your
“Promote To Supervisor” Program
In addition to
entering the opportunity as an Associate or L.E.A.P.
you are now able to recruit new distributors into the
Supervisor position. To get involved at the Supervisor
level one must place an order for 100BV and agree to
go on to a monthly AutoShip or Backup AutoShip for
100BV. As long as they remain on AutoShip, they can
never fall below the level of Supervisor regardless of
frontline structure or Group Business Volume. This is
just another way of helping build your organizations.
No Longer Accepting Applications
without AutoShip
Nu-MED will no
longer accept a “L.E.A.P.” or “Promote to
Supervisor” Application without an AutoShip or
Backup AutoShip order.
Both forms have been updated and can be found
on Nu-MED’s Web Site.