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Nu-SPRING® -Crystal Clear Formula Nu-SPRING® -Crystal Clear Formula

Clearly the way to Look & Feel Younger

What would you give to feel young again? To have the vitality and boundless optimism of youth? Now you can turn back the hands of time, and regain some of the mental and physical attributes you had years ago.
Nu-SPRING® will change your beliefs about aging. With each sparkling drink of this youthful elixir, you can supply your body with special factors that may help you feel more youthful.

A “Fountain of Youth”Nu-SPRING® -Crystal Clear to help you regain vitality. 

Nu-MED’s Nu-SPRING® Crystal Clear is a revolutionary formula based on the latest in anti-aging technology. Simply put, it gives your body the edge you need to help strengthen its defenses against aging. Because it helps to replace vital factors you lose with aging, the results you experience may be astounding. You just may recapture some of the youthful vitality you felt years ago.

In a study of Nu-MED users reported results include:*

    * Improved body composition
    * More endurance
    * Enhanced energy
    * Improved exercise tolerance and endurance
    * Improved skin elasticity
    * Improved joint flexibility
    * Improved sexual function
    * Improved mental energy and clarity
    * Positive attitude toward life

    *These results reported by patients may not be typical. Results will vary with individuals. Nu-MED, specifically, makes no claims about the results you may receive with this product. This product is not intended to meet, cure, or present any disease. If you have a medical problem, please seek your physicians advice.


What are "YOUTH FACTORS” ?

The presence of Youth Factors circulating within your body is important in sustaining normal healthy body tissues and functions. With aging, Youth Factor levels steadily decline in the body. Some scientists believe this decline may contribute to some of the symptoms associated with the aging process and a decreased ability to maintain good health.A Natural Approach
Nu-MED stays abreast of the latest science. Nu-SPRING® Crystal Clear contains a complex of amino acids we call Youth ProFactors or secretagogues), which may help support the body’s natural use and release of Youth Factors. The Taste of Youth! Nu-Spring tablets produce a naturally sweetened, crystal clear, citrus-flavored beverage that is delicious.

Turn Back the Hands of Time 

Exclusive to Nu-MED, Nu-SPRING® also contains naturally occurring peptides found in the hypothalamus and pituitary extracts. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), a natural factor found in colostrums, the youth regenerative factor is one of the most important peptides. Scientists believe FGF may play a key role in supporting the body's natural ability to target the replacement of older, damaged cells with younger cells.

Energy Booster 

Additionally, Nu-SPRING Crystal Clear contains NADH, a naturally occurring coenzyme found in all living cells and necessary for cellular development and energy production. Within the cells of our bodies, oxygen combines with glucose from digested food to create the energy we need to live. Too little NADH results in lower energy production.

Nutrition is the Best Medicine 

Vitamins C, E and B6 are also included in each tablet of Nu-SPRING® Crystal Clear Formula. Vitamin C helps maintain healthy heart, and joints. Vitamin E can also help prevent free radicals that oxidize LDL Cholesterol. Studies have shown that Vitamin B6 helps support immune function.

Now is the time to take a stand against aging. Eat right. Get plenty of rest. Enjoy physical activity. Take the best multivitamins ( Nu-MED’s Core Nutrition), and to give your body the edge it needs, take Nu-SPRING. It’s a new era in anti-aging technology, a new Millennium, and time for a new, healthier and younger you.


Nu-MED’s Nu-SPRING® Crystal Clear
Each tablet contains: Vitamins C and B6, Potassium, NADH, and a proprietary blend including Hypothalamus Pituitary Extracts with their naturally occurring peptides and targeted amino acids L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, Glycine, L-Ornithine.


Dissolve two tablets in a glass of water. Take every morning or night for five days. Skip two days, then repeat cycle. Take on an empty stomach at least one half hour before eating breakfast or two hours after your last meal of the day. For best results, exercise during the day. To enhance results, take with. Nu-MED Core Nutrition with meals. Avoid eating late night snacks.  

CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS: Do not take if you have liver or kidney disease. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. This product contains Sodium. Persons with hypertension, should seek their physicians approval first before they try this product and monitor their blood pressure regularly. Discontinue use if blood pressure increases or gastric irritation occurs from effervescence. As with any dietary supplement, we recommend you contact your physician prior to taking this product. Do not take this product if you are under a doctor's care for any medical condition.

Order Nu-MED’s Nu-SPRING® Crystal Clear
#82017 Nu-SPRING - Crystal Clear $55.95

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Nu-MED and Nu-SPRING are all Trademarks of Nu-MED, Inc.  Copyright 2005 Nu-MED, Inc.