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Human growth hormone, hgh, is being studied as an anti-aging treatment. Doctors are prescribing human growth hormone, hgh, for weight loss, energy, and longevity.  20/20 recently reported that Dixie Carter uses human growth hormone injections, hgh, to look and feel younger. Human growth hormone, hgh, is produced by the pituitary but is released less as we age. Nu-SPRING Human Growth ProFactors  is a natural way to release more human growth hormone, hgh, without side effects.


"Amazing!  Truly amazing," says Cary.  "Even my doctors are astounded at the results I've achieved with Nu-SPRING in just a couple of months."

Twenty-eight-year-old Cary Oliver became a Distributor with Nu-MED USA after her grandmother, Harrietta Randolph, introduced her to Nu-SPRING.  Battling a life-threatening illness since 1988, Cary says she'd about given up hope of ever feeling well again.

"I've had extensive surgery and radiation treatments over the past 10 years for recurring pituitary tumors," recalls Cary.  "As a result, I now take several strong medications that have really negative side effects.

"Earlier this year, both my pituitary and adrenals shut down completely.  The doctors were mystified – they really didn't know what to do.  Since the pituitary and adrenals control virtually all bodily functions, it's almost impossible to survive without them.  I felt so awful and my energy was so low, I basically slept all day." 

Cary remembers she and her doctors discussed whether growth hormone injections might help her feel better.  The doctors theorized that growth hormone treatments might stimulate Cary's pituitary gland so that she could function without the daily insult of the strong medications she was taking.

After much discussion, Cary and her doctors reluctantly dismissed the idea of growth hormone injections due to the expense.  Then she heard about Nu-SPRING.  "You can imagine how excited I was when my grandmother, Harrietta Randolph, called to tell me about Nu-MED's research.  Nu-SPRING was the answer I'd been hoping for!"     

A few days before she began taking Nu-SPRING, Cary's doctors performed a complete blood analysis showing she had hypoglycemia and was generally "not doing very well."  After taking Nu-SPRING and Core Nutrition for Women for one month, Cary had another blood profile.  This time, her results were normal. 

"I can't begin to tell you how much better I feel," says Cary.  I'm thinking more clearly, I'm emotionally more centered, I'm physically stronger, my migraine's are better, my lung capacity has improved, my arthritis is better and I no longer have heart palpitations.  But what's really fantastic is that my cholesterol is now 208, down 14 points in the last month alone!  My blood pressure is better, too – it's now 112 over 79!"

According to Cary, her doctors reduced her thyroid medication and are even considering lowering her estrogen dosage.  "It's really a miracle," Cary acknowledges.  "I'm starting to live again.  For the first time in months, I have enough energy to drive and take part in church and social activities.  I still have bad days, but even my bad days are better than my good days were two months ago."

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