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What if You Could Have the Look of Perfect Skin in Just Seconds?

Perfect Coverage from Clientele is the easy-to-use natural look makeup that conceals as it beautifies. Get a soft, natural finish that’s good for your skin… without messy loose powders or lots of complicated steps. Just brush it on with the Blending Brush or use the pads for fast, easy touch ups!

Now you can enjoy the look of perfect skin. Cover freckles, blemishes, large pores, age spots, redness and uneven skin tone. Perfect Coverage gives instant correction to complexion imperfections, for a beautiful, soft, natural look.

Order the Perfect Coverage compact alone or in the Picture Perfect Kit. The kit includes the Clientele Kabuki Brush ( a $35 value). It’s designed for the easy application of Perfect Coverage. Enjoy a smooth, even complexion and look younger instantly.

And with the Picture Perfect Kit, you’ll also receive the Clientele Makeup Bag. It's a handy and convenient way to carry your cosmetics!

See the transformation in your complexion. Get the great looking skin you deserve! Order now and choose your skin tone: Very Light for the fairest skin tones, Light for fair, porcelain skin with just a hint of color. Medium for most skin tones with some rose or beige. Tan for warm and olive colors and Dark Tan for richer deeper skin tones.

 ©2015 Clientele, Inc.


Perfect Coverage
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Kabuki Brush
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Makeup Bag
skincare Basics

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