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Pat Riley
Pat Riley

Pat Riley is the CEO of Clientele and MDR, where she directs skin care and nutrition research, and advises celebrities on staying young. Pat is evidence of the boundless energy her products offer.

On May 16, 2000, Patricia Riley was honored by JFK University, who named her a recipient of their "1999 Jacqueline Kennedy Award." Pat received the award for her outstanding contributions in the fields of Health, Anti-Aging, and Longevity and for pioneering the use of antioxidants in skin care and vitamins 26 years ago. Celebrities, from Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend to Charlton and Lydia Heston were there to honor Pat's achievements, while Shirley Jones, and Marty Ingels, sang her praises as they presented Pat with the Lalique Woman Award. Barbara Sinatra described Pat best when she said, "The words achievement, friend, and exceptional, all come to mind when I think of my dear friend, Pat Riley. I am so happy to join Pat's friends and family in applauding her accomplishments, goodness and sensitivity to people in need."

Pat found her direction early in life. She loved the science of nutrition and chemistry, and was a Phi Kappa Phi Honor Graduate of Food Science & Nutrition, from the University of Florida in 1976. "I always have believed that good health is our greatest gift, because without it, you can do nothing! I grew up in South Florida, where many retirees come to enjoy their golden years. Seeing so many of them suffer with the problems that come with aging, I vowed to God to dedicate my life to help us all stay youthful and healthy as long as possible."

In 1979, Pat began to work with noted Dermatologist Dr. Victor Witten, M.D. and introduced the first oil-free moisturizer to the world. She then took a quantum leap in the skin care industry with the realization that in order to keep women healthy, their nutritional deficiencies had to be corrected. With George Christakis, M.D., a highly-recognized nutrition authority, the Clientele Daily Nutrients Formula was developed. Neiman Marcus helped make another first possible by introducing the first vitamin program to include antioxidants as a means of protecting the body from "oxidative aging."

True to her mission of helping everyone live healthier and longer, Pat and her team analyzed vitamin formulas on the market, finding them to be sadly deficient. A new company, "MDR", was born to help bring the latest breakthroughs in health and nutrition to the public. The company philosophy concentrates on formulating the most advanced formulas based on the latest research in anti-aging. For 30 years Pat has been collaborating with the foremost medical minds in the fields of skin care, nutrition, aging, and longevity. Pat and her Team have led the industry with many "firsts" which years later, became industry standards including:

1979 ** First oil-free moisturizer

1982 ** First to use antioxidants (vitamin E, C, A, and Superoxide Dismutase) as a "defense" against "oxidative aging", in skin care and nutritional formulas. Today free radicals are recognized as a key factor in aging and many diseases.

1983 ** First with Daily Nutrients to beautify skin, hair, and nails from within.

1985 ** First to introduce AM/PM dosages for vitamins for improved absorption.

1992 ** First to use Beta Carotene in skin care.

1995 ** First to use Phytoestrogens in skin care to address hormonal changes with aging.

1996 ** First to use Pine Bark, Grape Seed, and Coenzyme Q-10 in skin care.

1997 ** First patented anti-aging technology from the Lotus Flower.

1999 ** First patented AM/PM nutritional formula with nutrients vital for prevention of coronary heart disease, the primary cause of death in America.

2000 ** First skin care formulas with Lycopene & Lutein.

2001 ** First with natural sources of Resveratrol in skin care. Resveratrol was touted on Barbara Walter's "Living to 150 Special" in April 2008 , as the agent in red wine linked to longevity.

2002-2006 **Pat develops numerous patents and novel technologies in the U.S. and Europe to help promote healthy youthful skin.

2007 ** Pat is cofounder of the first International Workshop on Stem Cell Therapeutics at the University of Miami.

2008 ** Pat introduces the first advanced Series with patented Lotus ATP Complex a skin beautifying formula of anti-wrinkle neuropeptides, elasticity promoters, MMP inhibitors, powerful antioxidants, and newly discovered SIRT cell longevity enhancers.

Each year Pat tirelessly continues to pave the way with new discoveries to help us better fend off the ravages of aging and stay youthful. In the coming years, we can only imagine what new breakthroughs she will bring us to help us look and feel our best. Ponce De Leon looked for the Fountain of Youth in Florida...and today Pat continues his quest for us all.

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